This article is out of the blue and not related to the technical stuff i usually write about. I am writing this hoping that it might help someone make a informed decision.
A real estate company in Bangalore, Dreamz Infra Pvt Ltd ( promises to sell apartment homes for very cheap prizes. If you are considering buying an apartment from them, I would suggest you ponder over these points before you make a decision. I hope that this post will attract honest reviews from those who purchased/tried to purchase with the company.
Note that all comments are positive reviews.
A real estate company in Bangalore, Dreamz Infra Pvt Ltd ( promises to sell apartment homes for very cheap prizes. If you are considering buying an apartment from them, I would suggest you ponder over these points before you make a decision. I hope that this post will attract honest reviews from those who purchased/tried to purchase with the company.
The prices of the apartment are unbelievably cheap. Compare with the market rates and you will notice that there is a sharp difference.
There is an unbelievable large number of positive reviews for Dreamz Infra. There are even blogs created by employees of Dreamz Infra like this one.
Now, the contrasting part is that their Facebook page ( is nothing but filled with negative reviews. Note that customer support hasn't responded to any negative review, whereas positive reviews are liked or commented at.
I used to see what content they had on their website historically. I was surprised to see that the projects listed in 2012 in Electronics city are neither seen in the completed list nor do they show up in the current projects list.
Dreamz Infra projects today in Electronics city
Here is the official documentation from Salesforce - Click here.
In this article, I will try to provide steps to quickly setup the deployment process. For a detailed description of every file and various options please go through the link above. This article is only for a quick setup process and doesn't intend to cover details.
Visit and install Java JDK, Version 6.1 or greater on the deployment machine.
Install the JDK. I have installed my JDK in the path below. Note that the folder name will begin with jdk, you might also see a folder which begins with jre
Visit and install Apache Ant, Version 1.6 or greater on the deployment machine.
Unzip the Apache ANT file downloaded in STEP 2 into any desired folder. Let's assume we unzip the folder into the location as shown below.
I download and UnZipped Apache ANT into my C:/ . You can use any directory you wish.
We will now setup the environment variables.
Add the following two variables to the 'User Variables' and 'System Variables' .
ANT_HOME : C:\apache-ant-1.9.4-bin\apache-ant-1.9.4
JAVA_HOME : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_05
Append the two BIN paths to the 'Path' variables under both 'User Variables' and 'System Variables'. My Path variable looks like this.
Path: c:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\;c:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_05\bin;C:\apache-ant-1.9.4-bin\apache-ant-1.9.4\bin;C:\Users\Edwin.Raymond\AppData\Roaming\npm
Note: These locations are based on the directories in which i installed JAVA and APACHE ANT. Your location might be different if you installed in a different directory. The Path variable should point to the BIN directory.
Verify that the installations were successful by going to the command prompt and executing the following commands.
Log in to Salesforce on
your deployment machine. From Setup, click Develop | Tools, then
click Migration Tool.
Unzip the file to a directory of your choice. I unzipped it to my desktop.
Download the following folder from the location
Unzip the file to a directory of your choice. I unzipped it to my desktop.
STEP 10:
Replace the ant-salesforce.jar file from location in STEP 8 to the location in STEP 9 as shown below.
STEP 11:
Now, modify the file in the 'deploy_sf_ant' folder. This file contains the username/password for the sandbox and production organizations. Open with WordPad and enter the details.
STEP 12:
Place the package.xml in the 'RetrievePackage' folder. The package.xml file contains the list of components you want to deploy.
STEP 13:
Run the command 'ant retrieve' from the command prompt to retrieve the changes from sandbox. Make sure you run the command from the folder location specified like below. After you run the command, a folder named 'deploy' is created.
STEP 14:
Run the command 'ant deploy' from the command prompt to deploy yo changes to production.
STEP 15:
Use the instructions.txt file for subsequent deployments.
1. Place package.xml in the folder 'Retrieve Package'2. from CMD run 'ant retrieve'
3. Folder 'deploy' is created.
4. To validate change edit build.xml and make 'checkonly = true'.
5. To deploy make checkonly = 'false' and from CMD run 'ant deploy'
6. Rename the 'deploy' folder and copy to 'completed' folder for history tracking.
7. Delete the 'deploy' folder